Tweets in Review, March 9-15: Vox builds a website, the Web at 25, Tribal disenrollment, and Austin Kleon's Book Tour
Last week on Twitter was a fun one. If you thought that there wasn't any room for new journalism outlets, well, you might be wrong as Ezra Klein and Co. "debuted" to much fanfare. They rolled out a tantalizing new video (make sure to check out Matt Yglesias's sweet 'drobe), popped up on all the requisite social media, and sort of launched a website. I mean really sort of. I decided to follow their Instagram account but wasn't quite satiated by the arbitrary graphs they were putting up. Yes, they told a bit of a story, but I wanted to know a bit more about the data, measurement, etc. so I asked.
Their response:
You come out with that much fanfare without a website up? And you're going to explain the news to me?
Something tells me I'm not your target demographic. On the other hand, Nate Silver's recently debuted, as well, but I'll have more on that in the future.
Other tweets that caught my attention and provided some great reads or information:
The Web at 25! Some thoughts from Sir Tim Berners-Lee on what is wrong with social networking.
This chart from Omar García-Ponce showing "La Reconquista," Mexican-origin population by county in the US and the pre 1848 border:
This piece of very concerning news regarding a rescinded academic job offer:
A very real and unsettling issue regarding American Indian tribal disenrollment:
And last but not least (and certainly a lot happier), Austin Kleon just announced a 20-city book tour for his most recent and super-duper awesome book Show Your Work. This, along with his other books Steal Like An Artist and Newspaper Blackout are some of the most fun and creative reads I've completed in a while. I've informed Mr. Kleon that I would like to try and incorporate Show Your Work into my social entrepreneurship class at CU Denver in the fall. I've also ordered numerous copies of it and Steal Like An Artist to give to friends and colleagues. Buy the books, follow the guy on Twitter, and catch him in one of the cities if you can.
Like other barbate gents, his beard is much better than mine, and I'm okay with that.