Tweets in Review, March 9-15: Vox builds a website, the Web at 25, Tribal disenrollment, and Austin Kleon's Book Tour

Last week on Twitter was a fun one. If you thought that there wasn't any room for new journalism outlets, well, you might be wrong as Ezra Klein and Co. "debuted" to much fanfare. They rolled out a tantalizing new video (make sure to check out Matt Yglesias's sweet 'drobe), popped up on all the requisite social media, and sort of launched a website. I mean really sort of. I decided to follow their Instagram account but wasn't quite satiated by the arbitrary graphs they were putting up. Yes, they told a bit of a story, but I wanted to know a bit more about the data, measurement, etc. so I asked.

Their response:

You come out with that much fanfare without a website up? And you're going to explain the news to me?

Something tells me I'm not your target demographic.  On the other hand, Nate Silver's recently debuted, as well, but I'll have more on that in the future.

Other tweets that caught my attention and provided some great reads or information:

The Web at 25! Some thoughts from Sir Tim Berners-Lee on what is wrong with social networking.

This chart from Omar García-Ponce showing "La Reconquista," Mexican-origin population by county in the US and the pre 1848 border:

This piece of very concerning news regarding a rescinded academic job offer:

A very real and unsettling issue regarding American Indian tribal disenrollment:

And last but not least (and certainly a lot happier), Austin Kleon just announced a 20-city book tour for his most recent and super-duper awesome book Show Your Work. This, along with his other books Steal Like An Artist and Newspaper Blackout are some of the most fun and creative reads I've completed in a while. I've informed Mr. Kleon that I would like to try and incorporate Show Your Work into my social entrepreneurship class at CU Denver in the fall. I've also ordered numerous copies of it and Steal Like An Artist to give to friends and colleagues. Buy the books, follow the guy on Twitter, and catch him in one of the cities if you can. 

Like other barbate gents, his beard is much better than mine, and I'm okay with that.

How Do You Work With Introversion in The Classroom?

I'll be candid here. All of a sudden, it seems to be really popular to be an introvert these days.

Whether or not my perception is fair, it is something I have thought about a great deal recently as it pertains to myself and my own social interactions, and as it pertains to my classroom settings. For a long time, I classified myself as an introvert, much to the shock of several who simply couldn't accept that ("What? You're so outgoing!") But, it's true, or at least I thought it was until I took a bevy of quizzes that placed me more toward the middle of the introvert/extrovert spectrum as an "ambivert." As much as I try to be lively and engaging in my classroom, I can't deny that I often go home completely drained after most classes. I value one-on-one or small group conversations that are deep and meaningful, and couldn't work a room by gladhanding and backslapping if you paid me (which is ironic, because I was a lobbyist for a short time.) Anyway, it's just part of who I am.

I recently finished Susan Cain's book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. During my reading, I decided to follow Ms. Cain on Facebook and Twitter to continue the discussion on introversion. A couple of weeks ago, she posted a link to her blogpost on "The American obsession with class participation, from a non-American perspective," and it was rather enlightening. The accompanying discussion on Facebook was rather lively, and I decided to add my two cents as well:

I do grade to an extent on participation, but as someone riding the fuzzy line dividing introvert and ambivert, I give exceptionally wide latitude to my students. If they don't want to talk in front of their peers, I encourage them to tweet me during class with our class hashtag (yes, this has been successful), I'll put them in pairs for discussions rather than groups, and of course, I'll encourage them to engage with me directly, all of which count toward my participation guidelines. Everyone is unique, so why not let them tailor their participation in a way that lets them thrive and feel comfortable?

Amazingly, the response to this was quite favorable, garnering 47 "likes" from others following the discussion, and nine individual responses, including one from Ms. Cain herself (which admittedly, as a voracious reader, I tend to be more starstruck by authors than anyone else). Part of my surprise to this positive response was that these methods of mine had been marginally panned by some of my scholarly colleagues in the past. Integrating a social media platform such as Twitter seemed a bit nonsensical to them, but of course, after widespread aversion comes widespread adoption, and now many of these colleagues are doing the same thing. I can't take credit for it, but it's helped.

But to the question: how do you work with introversion in the classroom? As a professor who teaches future public servants in the public and nonprofit sphere, I feel that there has more often than not been a standard to be outgoing and engaging with the public (certainly introverts do this, but it doesn't necessarily mean they enjoy it). And, as a professor who teaches in a professional program, there seems to be a standard to be upheld that a so-called "real world" application should take place within the confines of the classroom, preparatory to entering careers in public service. 

So, let's continue the dialogue. What's your take?

Book Review: Social Innovation: Blurring Boundaries to Reconfigure Markets, by A. Nicholls & A. Murdock

In December 2013, I published a book review of Social Innovation: Blurring Boundaries to Reconfigure Markets, edited by Alex Nicholls and Alex Murdock in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Overall, I really appreciated the contributions that were made to this volume and find it to be one of the better compendiums of social innovation in print. The price tag is a bit steep, but I would consider adopting it for a social entrepreneurship or innovation course, especially one with a comparative or global focus. In any case, feel free to click the link above for the review, or contact me, and I'll send you a legitimately obtained PDF copy.

Interested in the book itself?

Google Books preview here. Publisher info here. Goodreads info here.

Happy reading.

A New Year Brings New Changes

The immediate and obvious change is that I have a new website and have started to blog again. Let's hope the blog lasts and I can make a contribution once again to some web-based discussion. I've missed blogging, and now that I've settled into my academic career, I feel that it's something I should do from time to time.

Which brings me to the next point...

After three great years at DePaul University, I have recently accepted a position at the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver as Assistant Professor of Nonprofit and Public Management. I am elated to move to such a great school and university, and to be a part of such a distinguished community of scholars. Plus, I'm a Westerner, and to get back into my "home" territory is exciting. I will certainly miss Chicago. I don't know of a greater, more diverse city I've called home, but the opportunity to go to CU Denver and the School of Public Affairs was one I couldn't pass up! I'm looking forward to doing good things there!